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ABM Agri Council Recommends Ag Media Mix

Chuck Zimmerman

ABM Agri-Council AdI just got my latest quarterly Agri Council Intelligence Report and thought you’d be interested in a couple of things that caught my eye. Here’s one of the latest ads from the ABM Agri Council. They’re running a schedule in Agrimarketing Magazine (a member of the Council) and have plans for a new round coming soon.

In an effort to continue to keep farmers and ranchers engaged, ABM will introduce three new Agri ads in the second quarter of 2008 with a more arresting visual and revamped body copy. The new ads will feature one eye-catching, prominently-placed visual of a farmer or rancher, which were captured by Harlan Persinger, award-winning freelance Agri photographer. The ads will continue to run monthly in AgriMarketing magazine.

I’m not sure how running an ad in Agrimarketing keeps farmers and ranchers engaged but perhaps I’m missing something. I find it fascinating though how the ag media is converging today and yet we still have separate ag media organizations (NAFB, AAEA, LPC). These ads use Harris Interactive research that shows:

There is still no better way to reach farmers and ranchers than by utilizing a broad mix of Ag media, including magazines, newspapers, Web sites, trade shows, conferences, television and radio.

That’s a media mix these companies wouldn’t have mentioned in the same document several years ago! I agree with it too. Fact is that many of these companies now are involved in or have properties in all of the above.

And Harlan, it’s good to see your name in there. Keep shooting buddy.

Media, Publication