send news release today


Chuck Zimmerman

Greg LampThe media world sure is changing these days. Here’s Greg Lamp doing FIN TV. He’s a tv star. He’s a writer. He takes pictures. That’s media today. And this media is happening here at the National Farm Machinery Show.

I spoke with someone today who’s trying to figure out how to write a job description for the person they need to hire. They need someone with experience in photography, audio production, video production, web editing, writing, etc. That’s because we’re in a new media world and the traditional way is no longer “the way.”

I’m heading back to Missouri now so please feel free to browse the photos in the album and I’ve got more to post over the next couple days.

National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show
is sponsored by Precision Pays

John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show