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Huntsville Hooters are a Hoot in the Kitchen

Laura McNamara

HootersChicken wings. Great for American poultry producers. Great for the American public. Apparently, the best to be had… from Hooters outlets anyway… is in Huntsville, Alabama.

The kitchen staff of the Hooters of Huntsville, Alabama has been named the 2007 Hooters Kitchen Crew of the Year and was presented $10,000 cash and the title belt on January 3rd. The HKCY (Hooters Kitchen Crew of the Year) is a program which was developed to recognize the top kitchen crews working in the Hooters of America system. The kitchen staff at the Huntsville Hooters was selected as the top crew from 122 Hooters restaurants. The selection criterion was based on more than their ability to shake chicken wings. The crew was also evaluated on food safety awareness, performance and productivity.

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