RFA Ethanol Podcast

Some More NAFB Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

Derry BrownfieldLast week I covered some of the awards given out at the NAFB Convention. One of the things they do is present tenure awards each 5 years after you become a broadcast council member (used to be called voting members). Besides that they give them out more frequently to really old timers like Derry Brownfield, Brownfield Network here (just joking Derry) who received a certificate for 41 years of membership, presented by Rae Nell Halbur, KFIZ!

Some other awards presented at the convention included DuPont Crop Protection and the United Soybean Board/Checkoff receiving the 2007 Herb Plambeck Creative Excellence Awards for their original advertising campaigns.

You can find a list of all their awards in this Word doc.

NAFB Convention Photo Album