2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

A Revolutionary Cotton Picker

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere Cotton PickerJohn Deere says that their new 7760 Cotton Picker will revolutionize harvesting the crop.

This machine was on display in action at last week’s Sunbelt Ag Expo. Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman was on hand to obtain interviews for me. He spoke with Jamie Flood, Deere’s Cotton Marketing Manager, who worked with the 7760 development in Iowa. You can listen to Randall’s interview here: 10-17-07%20John%20Deere-Jamie%20Flood.mp3

John Deere Cotton PickerHere’s what makes the machine special:

The 7760 Picker will build a round module on the machine while harvesting cotton. Then it will wrap the cotton module in a protective film to preserve fiber and seed quality, and minimize any crop loss during handling and transport. Without ever stopping the machine during picking, the operator can then carry the module to the end of the field to be transported later to the gin. This efficient, non-stop harvesting system eliminates unloading into a boll buggy and processing in a module builder. Ultimately, the producer saves time, fuel and manpower when harvesting and processing the cotton.

Besides Jamie, Randall also spoke with Barry Nelson, Deere’s Manager of Public Relations.

You can listen to Randall’s interview with Barry here: 10-17-07%20John%20Deere-Barry%20Nelson.mp3

Agribusiness, Audio, Cotton, John Deere