2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Fungi Guy

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF John-Bryan SpeakmanThis is a guy who really loves fungi.

Mycologist Dr. John-Bryan Speakman is a research scientist with BASF Fungicide Research and you wouldn’t believe how excited he can get talking about fungi. But some of them are really very pretty. I never knew there were so many different types of fungi with so many colors and shapes and sizes. We thought BASF could start a new business making paperweights and jewelry out of them!

BASF Fungi“The mycologists estimate there are about 1.6 million fungal species,” says Speakman. “To date we have identified about 85,000 of these. There are about 8,000 plant pathogenic fungi in the world.” And can you guess what plant is the most impacted by fungi? It is actually grass – some 160 fungi can create problems for turfgrass and golf courses.

BASF StargateDr. Speakman also demonstrated BASF’s new Stargate method of applying test compounds to plants. “It enables us to reduce the amount of compound being sprayed,” Speakman said. It also runs by computer to reduce human exposure to unknown compounds. I shot a little video of that which is being edited and we should be able to post here before too long.

Listen my interview with Dr. Speakman here:

Post Update: Here’s that video.

View the Flickr Photo Album from BASF in Germany and Brussels

BASF, International, Research