Maple Leaf Meats in Brandon gearing for twin shifts….

Harry Siemens

mapleleaflogo.gifWith the addition of a second shift at its Brandon, Man processing plant, Maple Leaf Foods will ramp up in slaughter capacity over the next six to eight weeks. According to Maple Leaf spokesperson Jeanette Jones, the current hog slaughter capacity of 45,000 to 50,000 hogs per week will climb to at least 75,000 per week by the end of October.harry-siemens-2.JPG

Here is Harry’s audio commentary on this issue. ss091007mav.mp3

Part of the increase in hog numbers will come as Maple Leaf continues with its stated plan to close processing facilities in other parts of the country – including its Marion Street facility in Winnipeg, which is scheduled to close Oct. 26 – and consolidate operations in Brandon.

The second phase of Maple Leaf Foods plan will be to move to a second cutting shift at the Brandon facility sometime in 2009, Jones said. The addition of that shift will better match slaughter capacity at Brandon, with the process of actually cutting up the resulting carcass. Currently, much of the Maple Lead cutting is being done in other locations.

There are a number of elements that need to be put in place, before the second cut shift will be implemented at Brandon, Jones said, including the placement of personnel and additional construction at the facility.

The reorganization of Maple Leaf Foods will eventually result in the company taking six plants out of operation and moving to the one double-shifted plant in Brandon.

Audio, International