2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Pioneer Provides For The World’s Demands

Chuck Zimmerman

Pioneer ExhibitThe Pioneer tent is a really popular place here at the Farm Progress Show. For one thing they’re popping corn at the entrance but more importantly they’ve got air conditioning. I took a break from the sun in their tent and spoke with Jerry Harrington and GW Fuhr.

GW says that Pioneer has a very comprehensive display for farmers this year and in my interview he goes over all of them. For example, you’ve got the big globe in the middle to show how Pioneer is meeting world demand. Then arranged around that are different modules featuring stacked traits in corn technology, soybean technology, biofuels, forage and their crop genetics pipeline.

You can listen to my interview with GW here: fp-07-pioneer.mp3

Or you can download here: Listen To ZimmCastGW Fuhr Interview (6 min MP3)

Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2007 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New Holland

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Pioneer