2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Off to the Races!

Laura McNamara

Yamaha Big or small, from Yamaha to remote control, the crowds at the 2007 Farm Progress Show are checking out the dirt tracks and the turf tracks. Consumers can climb on to various Yamaha four-wheelers and hit the small, rugged dirt track just outside of the exit to the field harvesting demonstrations to get a feel for which Yamaha model suits them best. Fast Stop wants farmers to make it their first stop. Not only does the display have RC Truck Races, but if you time it right you’ll get to listen to a live performer. When I stopped by, a singer was crooning about his human music stand. Remote Control RacesSpeaking of going for a ride, I’m planning on heading over to the Rural Life Compact Tractor Ride n’ Drive at 3 p.m. The big dogs will be out all day Thursday so farmers can get a real feel for the latest in tractor models being displayed throughout Progress City.

Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2007 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New Holland

Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Tractor