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Leon Corzine Wins Abraham Lincoln Ag Award

Chuck Zimmerman

Leon CorzineI think everybody knows Leon Corzine, central Illinois farmer and former chairman of the National Corn Growers Association. He’s a big champion of biotechnology and renewable fuels. Well all that work he’s done for so many years and on so many levels was recognized yesterday by Lincoln Heritage Committee as they bestowed the Abraham Lincoln National Agriculture Award on him here at the Farm Progress Show. Leon is one of the inaugural award recipients.

Here’s Leon with his award. That’s a heavy statue. I tried to move it and it takes two hands! Leon is really proud and honored to receive the award. You can here him talk about what it means in my interview with him.

You can listen to my interview with Leon here: fp-07-corzine.mp3

Besides Leon other award recipients are former Secretary of Agriculture, John Block, University of Illinois Ag Communications Professor Emeritus, Jim Evans and retired National Livestock and Meat Board Executive VP, John Huston.

Or you can download here: Listen To ZimmCastLeon Corzine Interview (6 min MP3)

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AgWired coverage of the 2007 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New Holland

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