RFA Ethanol Podcast

John Deere Products From a Customer Solutions Perspective

Chuck Zimmerman

John LagemannThe agricultural media met for breakfast this morning prior to some classroom presentations and heard from John Lagemann, John Deere, Vice President, Sales – Ag Marketing, Lenexa.

John says they’re very pleased with the product introduction that’s taking place. He says the event allows the company to share product and strategic plans with their partners. He says that “Dedicated Leadership” consists of two elements that include John Deere and dealers.

According to Lagemann the products we’re seeing on display have come about from a lot of R&D that includes customer input. He says that this year’s product introduction is being presented from the customer perspective in a way they’ve never done before. They used a very comprehensive presentation that contained a full range of equipment for all types of customers. He says their goal is to help customers maximize revenue and minimize cost.

You can listen to John’s comments here: launch-07-lagemann.mp3

John Deere Product Launch Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the John Deere product launch is sponsored by Precision Pays

Audio, John Deere