RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Hoping For Rural Renaissance

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB ConventionWhile you’re making your future plans don’t forget about the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention. This year the theme is “A Rural Renaissance.” It looks like NAFB is placing all their future hope in the rural connection. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Recently the NAFB board approved a 5-year strategic plan that has the following “pillars.”

  • generate additional revenue, business, and employment opportunities in the agricultural and rural lifestyle broadcasting industry
  • create a member value proposition that results in member increase of 50 percent by 2012 in all member categories
  • drive the organization’s brand recognition, resulting in increased membership, revenues and member benefits
  • capitalize on professional improvement to differentiate, advance, and add value to agricultural and rural lifestyle broadcasting
  • partner and collaborate with allied industry and organizations to promote business opportunities and enhance the ability for NAFB to represent and promote the agricultural and rural lifestyle broadcasting industry
  • If you haven’t been to a NAFB convention then you might be interested to see a video from last year’s event.

    Registration is now available online.

    NAFB, Video