2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Learning About Agrisure

Chuck Zimmerman

AgriSure CornOne of the people I met before leaving the Syngenta Learning Centers field day in Milford, IA was Tracy Mader, District Sales Manager for Syngenta Crop Protection. Tracy provided an update on Syngenta’s Agrisure corn traits.

He first of all explains that AgriSure is a family of traits for corn. Besides some of the current products under the Agrisure brand he mentions some new ones like Agrisure RW for corn rootworm control.

You can listen to my interview with Tracy here: learning-centers-mader.mp3

Or you can download the interview using this link: Listen to MP3 Tracy Mader Interview (3 min MP3)

Syngenta Learning Centers Photo Album

Audio, Corn, Syngenta