Pfizer VMRD Leader

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Cathy KnuppThe head of Pfizer Animal Health’s Veterinary Medicine Research and Development facility (called the Farm) is Dr. Cathy Knupp. She was on our program at their media event titled “Delivering Solutions Through Research and Innovation.” I’m really learning a lot attending these type of R&D programs!

Dr. Knupp supervises global research and development activities for the company. Sounds like a big job to me. She welcomed us to their facilities and I interviewed her to learn more about the Farm. She says that it can take a decade for the whole discovery and development process to work to bring a new product to market.

The research headquarters in Kalamazoo is 2,100 acres and they’ve got 170 different programs in research right now.

You can listen to my interview with Dr. Knupp here: pfizer-vmrd-07-knupp.mp3

Or if you’d like you can download it here: Download MP3 FileDr. Cathy Knupp Interview

Animal Health, Audio