2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Pfizer Research Dairy

Chuck Zimmerman

Pfizer DairySpeaking of Pfizer Animal Health . . . One of the people I met at their media event at the veterinary medicine research and development farm was Bill Loveland. Bill manages their research dairy.

Pfizer has a state of the art dairy facility that allows them to handle up to 128 animals at a time. Bill says the facility opened in 2004 and since then they’ve pretty much been in continuous study mode doing about 35 studies on topics like mastitis, reformulations and residues. He says most of the studies last from 2 to 4 months and that he’s got a regular staff of 4 people although they bring in more if needed. He’s really proud of their work in transitional cow studies.

I interviewed Bill at the end of our tour of the facility and you can listen to that interview here: pfizer-vmrd-07-loveland.mp3

Or if you’d like you can download it here: Download MP3 FileBill Loveland Interview

Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy