Marketing Appaloosas Internationally

Chuck Zimmerman

Michael PhillipsIt’s a small world. I knew I was supposed to interview Michael Phillips and thought his name sounded familiar. We met at a St. Louis Ag Club meeting a couple years ago.

Michael was here at the National Appaloosa Horse Show to speak with the International Marketing Committee. He’s President/CEO of U. S. Livestock Genetics, Inc.. He talked about export assistance programs using money available through the government. Here’s what USLGE does.

USLGE is a nationwide livestock-specific, not-for-profit, trade association representing the International Market Development interests of the U.S. dairy, beef, sheep, swine and horse breeding industries. Our representation encompasses the embryo and semen industry, livestock export sector, plus leading State Departments of Agriculture from top livestock producing states across the United States.

From what I understand ApHC has already started this process and Michael was here to talk about how they can take things to the next level and really connect with and develop relationships in foreign countries. He says he was very pleased and impressed to see the participation here at this show from people in other countries and spent some time talking with them. One of the things he says that ApHC members were very interested in hearing about is a personalized branding program that’s different than the basic breed promotion program.

You can listen to my interview with Michael here: appaloosa-national-07-phillips.mp3

2007 National Appaloosa Horse Show Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Horses, International