2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New FFA Middle School Website

Chuck Zimmerman

Garfield's Middle School DiscoveryGarfield the cat is now an FFA spokesperson or rather cat. Find him on Garfield’s Middle School Discovery.

The National FFA Organization launched a new Middle School Discovery website dedicated to middle school FFA members and their teachers. And Garfield the cat serves as FFA’s Spokescat, revealing his “catitude” about the wonders of agriculture and FFA.

Garfield and friends also introduce concepts of leadership, personal growth and career exploration through FFA activities and fun interactive resources for middle school members. There is the Komiczone that lets members’ creativity soar by creating their own comic strips about FFA, agriculture, careers and much more. Then there is Ag Witz—a trivia game which challenges young people on FFA, U.S. history, agriscience and current events. The teacher section offers information and promising practices to successfully engage students with the new website.

Here’s where you can create your own Komic (isn’t that spelled wrong?). Or you can play some ag trivia on Ag-Witz (what’s with the spelling?).

Ag Groups, Education