2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dupont and Foss Helping Farmers and Ethanol Producers

Chuck Zimmerman

Foss North AmericaHere’s more proof that our production of ethanol, especially using corn, is becoming a more and more efficient process. I find it amazing how much work is being done by so many companies that you never hear about in the mainstream media. Companies like Dupont/Pioneer and Foss North America are making some real strides in a very short time period.

DupontDuPont and FOSS North America today announced an agreement that will help farmers and ethanol producers better understand ethanol yield potential of grain corn being delivered to ethanol plants. The agreement, announced during the Fuel Ethanol Workshop, provides FOSS rights to technology developed by DuPont. Under terms of the agreement, DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred is providing to FOSS proprietary Ethanol Yield Potential calibration technology for use in FOSS grain analyzers. The technology provides estimated ethanol yield in terms of gallons per bushel.

“This technology is a big step in helping increase ethanol output per acre,” said Dean Oestreich, vice president and general manager – DuPont and
president – Pioneer. “When used in FOSS instruments, it gives farmers and ethanol producers nearly instant ethanol yield results on each load of grain
brought to an ethanol plant.” The technology allows ethanol producers to use real-time data to manage the grain feeding their ethanol production process. Farmers will be able to take this information and combine it with their on-farm agronomic performance data to tailor the corn hybrids they plant to maximize their ethanol yield on every acre.

Cindy is attending the Fuel Ethanol Workshop in St. Louis and may have more to add on this later. You can find her posts from there using this link. Post Update: Here’s the audio from the Pioneer/FOSS press conference announcement here: pioneer-foss-media.mp3

Agribusiness, Ethanol, Pioneer