One of the IFAJ members took my picture this morning while I was doing my agriblogging and farm podcasting presentation. I’ll have to get his card so I can let you know who. Another member thinks it’s funny that I blog about me blogging.
It was a good session with lots of questions about things like how I promote my blogs to drive traffic, how do I exercise editorial control, how do I make money doing this? I saw a lot of note taking so I’m hoping to see some farm news blogs showing up around the world very soon.
The IFAJ board should be finishing up their meeting shortly and then it’s time to go to the international reception and dinner. I slipped out of the board meeting since I’m not on it and did a little downtown run in preparation for tomorrow morning’s Alltech Fun Run. I guess they’ve always had a run at the Symposium and I’m going to do it before heading back out on the highway.