send news release today

Clyde Lear With a Mac

Chuck Zimmerman

Clyde with a MacThis is too good a picture to pass up. Clyde Lear, Learfield Communications, with a Mac. Way to go Clyde. I can just see this happening. Clyde starts using the Mac, realizes it’s pretty cool and contacts Charlie in Learfield Engineering to discuss a company-wide conversion. Next stop is short Roger/Stan/Greg conference call to talk about how much sales revenues need to go up to cover the cost of this decision.

Of course this will cause some heartburn in the news rooms as “we’ll have to learn to do what?” is uttered over and over. The production people will all be saying “hooray” since they know editing on a Mac is way more fun. Same in sales support where they have to constantly be designing creative new materials to help the staff obtain the money to pay for all this.

Am I missing anything? Let me know when this all comes to pass.

So, if you see Clyde at the NAMA convention next week at the Brownfield party (I assume he’ll be there once again) congratulate him on his Mac. I sure will.

Thanks for the heads up Steve.
