HAT’s Off To The Future

Chuck Zimmerman

Hoosier Ag TodayIt looks like Gary Truitt is getting involved in Indiana.

The future of Indiana agriculture will be the focus of the Cultivating The New Economy conference on April 5 in Muncie. Hoosier Ag Today has partnered with the Eastern Indiana Regional Workforce Development Board in presenting this unique gathering of state and national leaders to examine the growth opportunities presented by the dynamic changes now taking place in Indiana agriculture. “This conference is for anyone who has a stake in the future of Indiana agriculture, including farmers, agri-business, and rural residents,” said Gary Truitt with Hoosier Ag Today.

State leaders, including Andy Miller from the Department of Agriculture and officials from Purdue, will be joined by national leaders such as Mark Drabenstott with the Rural Policy Research Institute. “Hoosier Ag Today is committed to the growth of Indiana agriculture and this event will help chart the course of that future,” observed Truitt. In addition to promoting the conference, HAT will provide live broadcast coverage of the event that will he held at the Horizon Convention Center in Muncie.
