RFA Ethanol Podcast

Blog Post on AgWired = High Search Engine Rank

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag SpeakI spoke to a representative from AgSpeak on Friday and as we were talking I did a Google search of their name. They already knew this but the results show their website at the top and the 2 posts I did on them on AgWired show up as numbers 4 and 5 on the list! That’s higher than the news release they sent out through PRNewswire.

I’m pointing this out for a couple of reasons.

1. If you want to show up high in online searches for people searching a lot of ag related terms and keywords then figure out how to get on AgWired. That may be from me writing about you and your company or product or event. That might be from some type of sponsored content or advertising. How about having me do a review of a product or service? Let’s say it’s a tractor. I could drive it, take pictures of it including video and write about the experience and interview you while doing this. Just giving you some ideas.

2. To point out again one of the key ways a blog helps you in your online strategy. These websites are highly search engine optimized. How much are you paying for SEO? How much would it cost to start a blog? You might want to compare these things.
