2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

COWS Are Carbon Dioxide Emitters

Chuck Zimmerman

CO2WI don’t know if you know Bob McCarty but he does have a sense of humor. In fact, Bob likes to share that sense of humor through some design work he’s done on a variety of subjects. He describes his online shop as the “home of creative, humorous and thought-provoking items.”

For example, take his latest work. Like Bob I don’t believe in global warming and I think his latest design is very funny. There’s certainly been some information floating around about livestock being a major threat to the environment. So what does Bob do? He whips up a great design.

Some scientists say cows emit more carbone dioxide (CO2) than automobiles, according to recent news reports. SO WHAT! We still love cows, and the creative minds at The Bob McCarty Shop™ want the world to know it. If you share our love for things “cow” — such as hamburgers, milk, steaks, etc. — you’re invited to join us by finding an item you can use to share a bovine-positive message with the world!
