2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Rhea & Kaiser On China Business Development

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast98 - Steve Rhea in ChinaThis week on the ZimmCast I spoke with Steve Rhea, president, Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications. Steve was in China recently for a business conference and he has some interesting perspective to share.

Steve Rhea in ChinaRhea & Kaiser is affiliated with WorldWide Partners, “the world’s largest network of independent marketing communications companies.” The organization hosted a China Marketing Summit at which you can see Steve speaking.

Steve says that his trip was interesting from both a personal and professional perspective. He says that Rhea & Kaiser has made some great contacts with the Chinese agency, WE Worldwide Partners, which was very involved in the conference. He says that it’s essential to work with a local agency there when developing business in China due to cultural and political considerations.

To listen to my complete interview with Steve and hear about his trip you can download the ZimmCast: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 98 (9 min MP3)

Or listen to this week’s ZimmCast right now:


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Agencies, Audio, International, ZimmCast