Time For a New Web Host

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello AgWired fans. You may have noticed that AgWired has been down periodically over the last several days. This was originally caused by an attack last week that hasn’t stopped. I guess that once you have a website with the level of traffic we have you become a target. If you want all the gory technical details I’ll be happy to share them sometime but it would probably bore most of you.

I am in the process of seeking alternative hosting solutions. I’ve been with HostGator for a couple of years and for the most part they’ve been a good company. However, this situation shows their weaknesses and the alternatives they offer are pricey and I’m not sure they have the support that understands web publishing, etc., etc.

I’m writing this just to let you know that if you see us down temporarily, you’ll know why. I am hoping to have the situation resolved within the next week. Thanks for your patience and for your support!
