2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Say No To Rusty Beans

Chuck Zimmerman

American Phytopathological SocietyHere’s a reminder about the 2006 Soybean Rust Symposium which is going to take place this week in St. Louis, MO on Wednesday and Thursday. Judging by their website, The American Phytopathological Society has just about everyone involved as a sponsor.

This symposium will to bring together relevant sectors of the soybean community to review the soybean rust situation in 2006, discuss what has been learned through research and experience over the past few years, and provide a forum for networking and visioning. In addition to poster presentations, the symposium will offer a technical program with interactive sessions on:

· Biology of Soybean Rust
· Economics & Policy
· Epidemiology
· Host Response
· Application technology
· Disease assessment
· Forecasting
· Monitoring
· Control

USDA Under Secretary Dr. Gale Buchanan will present the opening remarks when the technical program begins at 8 a.m. Central Time on November 30. The technical program ends at noon on December 1. The full program can be found at www.apsnet.org/online/sbr.

The program will take place at the Adam’s Mark Hotel.

Ag Groups, Soybean