Make Your Voice Heard

Chuck Zimmerman

Get Out And VoteI’m sure I don’t need to remind you to vote today but I am anyway?

Cindy and I have decided not to listen to any more of the rhetoric. We’re going to read about it in the news tomorrow. But that doesn’t mean we don’t care. We’ve done our duty and registered our vote. Now it’s up to the rest of the country to stand up and be counted.

Does your one puny little vote count? You bet it does. What do you think makes up that big number at the end of the day? So, no matter what side you’re on please get out and add your vote. As I heard someone say yesterday, we have the freedom to do this at the cost of many, many lives and they should not be forgotten. I also think our vote is a way to honor those who are still in harm’s way defending our right to do this.
