2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Be A ByLine Sponsor

Chuck Zimmerman

AAEA ByLineThe AAEA newsletter, The ByLine, is seeking sponsorship(s).

Companies and other potential sponsors are now able to sponsor a month of The ByLine for $1,000. There are nine issues of The ByLine published each year. Companies will receive numerous benefits through this sponsorship. Those include:

  • Company name on the right hand side of the front page of The ByLine.
  • An opportunity to provide product or service information to the nearly 400 members of AAEA.
  • The credibility of attaching your company’s message to The ByLine, listed in a recent survey as one of the top benefits to membership.
  • Recognition as appropriate through editorial in The ByLine noting your company and others who sponsor AAEA programs.
  • Ability to promote your sponsorship of The ByLine internally and externally within your company as appropriate.

If you’re interested please call Den Gardner at 952/758-6502.