Sometimes it pays to go through your junk mail box to make sure that it’s only got junk in it. I did just now and found an announcement from
I can’t say that I’ve heard of them. It looks like you can choose between live auctions and auction markets around the country.
Here’s the instructions that were in the email announcement:
How To Bid
Step 1) Register for a free account (one-time registration).
Step 2) Log-in to your desired auctions and “Request a Buyer Number” for each auction you desire to bid on.
Special Note:
Due to the increasing numbers of online bidders and “Buyer # Requests” please register and sign-up early to guarantee that your online seat is saved and your buyer number has been processed. makes no guarantees that a user will be assigned a buyer number the day of the sale.
I didn’t create an account to see how it works. If you have, let me know what you think.