RFA Ethanol Podcast

6,000 Podcasts At K-State

Chuck Zimmerman

TegrityI’m going to make an assumption that ag classes at Kansas State University are included in the 6,000 classes that will soon be available to students as podcasts. You heard it right, 6,000 of them. K-State has been having a company called Tegrity record classes for a while now and they’re converting them to podcasts. Very cool idea and something that can apply to anything your business is doing that lends itself to training or demonstration.

K-State plans to have all 6,000 class podcasts available to its students this year, making it by far the education realm’s largest podcasting implementation worldwide. “We’re excited to be partnering with Tegrity to drive podcasting in education to a new level,” said Beth Unger, Vice Provost for Academic Services of Kansas State University. “When developing a podcasting program, there are two essential components – the technology and the content. Tegrity has made reaching our goal of creating quality content for podcasting possible.”

Sounds like Tegrity has a happy client.

Podcasts, University