2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dairy Looking Good


Kelcy SchroderMonsanto is not only working with corn and soybeans, but also working with dairy farmers.

Dairy farms keep growing in size and instead of always hearing about farmers trying to get the largest yield out of fields, the same happens for dairy farmers. Sometimes, trying to make cows produce large amounts of milk can be challenging and Monsanto is taking great efforts to accommodate those conditions. They have produced RoundUp Ready Alfalfa, which makes the alfalfa pure and weed free.

There have been substantial increases in milk production due to the types of alfalfa fed to the cows causing a high demand in RoundUp Ready Alfalfa. The outlook for next year is looking good; RoundUp Ready Alfalfa may be hard to get to if it is not purchased early!

Listen to my interview with Chris Peterson here: Listen to MP3 Interview with Chris Peterson (2 min. MP3)

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Monsanto: Monsanto

Dairy, Farm Progress Show