2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Wind Powering America


Kelcy SchroderNew Ag Markets are coming out everyday but Wind Energy is becoming more popular. Many of you have seen the wind turbines in northwestern Iowa, and also in many other western states.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Wind turbines are located in rural areas so they can generate energy for urban areas long with rural areas too. Farmers may still plant crops around the turbines and graze livestock and not have an effect on the turbines. Unlike most electric generated sources, the wind turbines do not comsume water! There are many pros to owning or being a part-owner in a wind turbine. In my interview with Roya Stanley, from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, she also informed me that the USDA will also fund up to 25% of the costs of a wind turbine to be put up.

Wind turbines are being installed across America, but mainly dominated the northwestern part of the United States. Wind turbines are more valuable and have greater contribution to surrounding areas if the area is known for being windy. All 50 states have the capability to power wind turbines but not all of them can support utility-scale power plants.

As technology advances, Wind Energy is going to become more poplular and one of the main sources of energy!

Listen to my interview with Roya here: Listen to MP3 Roya Stanley Interview (5 min. MP3)

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Monsanto: Monsanto

Audio, Farm Progress Show