RFA Ethanol Podcast

Sticky Trap Program


Kelcy SchroderEarlier this morning, Monsanto had their first Press Conference. The topic being discussed was the Sticky Trap Program.

FFA students with a Sticky TrapSpeakers Glenn Stith, Vice President of Monsanto U.S. Branded Business, Clint Pilcher, Corn Technology Development Manager, and Wayne Natress, Executive Director were present to speak about the Sticky Trap Program! The Sticky Trap Program was an experiment to determine the amount of rootworm variance across the cornbelt. In order for Monsanto to enroll the program, they asked local FFA Chapters across the cornbelt to help them out. The following states were involved in the experiment: Illinios, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. In the state of Iowa, all 99 counties participated in the event and for their contributions, Monsanto has donated $50 for every Sticky Trap the Chapter recorded information on.

Two FFA members where able to attend the Press Conference, Kyle Simonson and Andy Struecker. Both of them agreed that the Sticky Trap Program was very educational and rewarding. The best thing they liked about the experience was getting to know the farmers. The farmers were willing to work with the students and it added some one-on-one training. The farmers can also look at the results from the testing at www.866rootdig.com.

Listen to my interview with Kyle Simonson and Andy Struecker here: Listen to MP3 FFA interview (2 min. MP3)

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Monsanto: Monsanto

Audio, Farm Progress Show