RFA Ethanol Podcast

Get A Premium For Your Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

Steve Peterson Getting Interviewedwhile it was raining this morning the media was nicely cooped up in the media tent. I’m sure this didn’t disappoint Monsanto since they had the first press conference. One of the their representatives I met was Steve Peterson, Monsanto business manager for their Processor Preferred program. Steve’s pictured here (right) during an interview with WITY. In my interview with Steve he describes how this program has developed about 90 varieties of corn that are yielding up to 2 to 4 percent more ethanol per bushel than conventional hybrids. He says this helps corn growers get a premium for their crops.

You can listen to my interview with Steve here: Listen To MP3 Steve Peterson Interview (4 min MP3)

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Monsanto: Monsanto

Audio, Ethanol, Farm Progress Show