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New MU Student Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

CAFNRCastHere’s a podcast you might find interesting. Can you believe how many agricultural podcasts we get to point out lately?!

The University of Missouri-Columbia’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources students have their own website called CAFNR Corner Post. On it you’ll find the CAFNRCast. It’s being done as a pilot project intended to expand opportunities for CAFNR students to practice not only print and photo journalism on Corner Post, but also to practice broadcast and convergence journalism. In case you’re not sure what “convergence journalism” is I found this resource to help you out.

If you’re not able to subscribe to podcasts yet, you can listen to the first CAFNRCast here: Listen To MP3 CAFNRCast (3 min MP3). It’s being produced by MU Junior Tyne Morgan.

Here’s the url for the podcast. Plug it into iTunes or whatever podcatcher you use and enjoy. Use this link and check out the Applications section for links to various programs that will allow you to subscribe to podcasts.

Audio, Podcasts, University