Over 2,000 Posts

Chuck Zimmerman

I just noticed that I’ve posted over 2,000 times on AgWired. It’s a milestone! That’s a lot of pictures, interviews, links, notices and other types of information on the business of agrimarketing.

The very first version of AgWired was installed in August of 2004 but I didn’t get in the blogging groove until March of 2005. I think my daily posting average works out to around 4 posts a day, 7 days a week.

Ahh, those beginning days. Not only did I wonder what I’d gotten myself into, I can’t count how many of you wondered too and often said so! Well, hopefully the picture is getting clearer.

I know I’ve said it before but I want to thank everyone who has supported me. Your encouragement and all the ways you’ve found to provide support mean more than I can say. I do promise to continue developing AgWired and the agricultural use of the new media tools. As my good friend from Colorado likes to say, “Onward and upward.”
