2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Put B20 In Your New Holland Tractor

Chuck Zimmerman

Ed HeglandBiodiesel fans can cheer New Holland today. They are the first equipment manufacturer to fully approve B20, a 20 percent blend of biodiesel, in their tractors. The release I received came from the National Biodiesel Board which is appropriately happy.

Ed Hegland (pictured), a soybean grower in Appleton, Minn., has waited for this news for years. The maker of his tractor, New Holland, has approved the use of 20 percent biodiesel (B20) in all of its equipment using New Holland engines. It is the first Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to announce full support of B20 in all of the diesel engines that it produces.

“I am elated that New Holland has taken this step to show support for biodiesel, a farmer-grown fuel,” Hegland said. “Their customers asked for it, and they listened. I truly hope others will follow suit soon.”

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) applauded New Holland’s decision. “This is what we have been working toward for years; a major equipment manufacturer announcing full support for use of high quality B20 in all the diesel engines that they produce,” said Joe Jobe, CEO of NBB. “Although other OEMs have taken positive steps toward B20, New Holland is the first to specifically say that they approve the use of B20 in all of their engines. This powerful stand for renewable energy is helping lead us toward a safer, less dependent nation.”

“Biodiesel is the future,” said Dennis D. Recker, Vice President of New Holland Agricultural Business in North America. “As the availability of fossil fuels becomes a greater problem, we need to look at alternatives. But they must also be cleaner, environmentally friendly alternatives. New Holland is renowned for its innovation and forward-thinking approach, and we are committed to bringing our customers the latest technology and the benefits it brings.”
(Full Release)

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Tractor