2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Protect That IP Today

Chuck Zimmerman

World Intellectual Property DayEvery day has to be some sort of “day” anymore. Today it’s World Intellectual Property Day according to the World Intellectual Property Organization. Here’s what their Director General, Kamil Idris, says, “World Intellectual Property Day is an opportunity to encourage people to think about the role played by intellectual property in everyday life, and about its importance in stimulating and safeguarding innovation and creativity.” They’ve even got a 30 sec video clip you can watch here (WMV file).

The heads up for this comes from Croplife America which says:

CropLife America supports the efforts of its global federation, CropLife International, to create partnerships with regulators and law enforcement to prevent the counterfeiting and piracy of plant science innovations. Counterfeiting crop protection products affects American, Asian and European multinational companies as well as farmers, consumers and the environment.

Ag Groups, International, Internet, Video