Checking In To NAMA

Chuck Zimmerman

Kansas City SkylineIt is a beautiful day here in KC, MO. This is the view from the 31st floor.

When you check in for the NAMA convention you get a registration bag. This is something you have to go through before you do anything else. The bags are very nice ones supplied by Western Producer, Canada’s largest weekly farm newspaper. So I’m looking through the bag to see what there is. Here’s some items of note:

1. Long Lasting Rubber Latex Band supplied by K-Mag. Before you think anything wrong. It’s used to solve the problem of “whose drink is whose.” It’s a bottle bracelet with an ID tag you can write your name on. Pretty cool if you ask me. Don’t you hate it when you lose your drink at a party?

2. The DTN Best of NAMA Celebration Reception Invite. This one has a blinking lights saxophone you wear to the reception and then you get to “receive complimentary beverages.” Can you say drink free?

3. The Colle+McVoy lanyards. These nice orange plastic lanyards with the Colle+McVoy logo hold your name tag in comfort and style.

There’s lots more but I just wanted to highlight a few for you.