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BASF Plant Science Debuts At BIO

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Hans KastBASF Plant Science held an end-of-day press conference to talk about their intent to dedicate more than $320 million over the next three years to develop biotechnological optimized crop plants.

On hand was company president, Dr. Hans Kast. He gave an overview of what the company is planning and how they will manage this effort. Here’s a sound bite from his speech where he specifically mentions using biotech crop innovations to further develop renewable fuels: Listen To MP3 Dr. Hans Kast 1 (2 min MP3)

Kast said that it will take a doubling of agricultural production in the coming years to achieve the goal of making renewable energy and world hunger relief a reality. I asked him if this is possible and how BASF is going to help make it happen. You can hear his answer here: Listen To MP3 Dr. Hans Kast 2 (2 min MP3)

AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications

Agribusiness, Audio, Biodiesel, Biotech, Ethanol, International