RFA Ethanol Podcast

Mid South Show This Week

Chuck Zimmerman

Southern Cotton GinnersWhile a lot of us will be in Anaheim this week a bunch of folks will be in Memphis for the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show. In fact, I know some of you will be flying from one to the other. Lots going on this week.

Farmers, agribusiness representatives and others interested in Mid-South agriculture will converge on the Memphis Cook Convention Center March 3 and 4, 2006 for the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, the south’s largest indoor farm show.

The show will feature approximately 400 exhibitors from more than 40 states and three foreign countries and will occupy over 200,000 square feet of exhibit space in the Convention Center. Show attendees will see an expanded number of farm equipment manufacturers, specialized services, the latest in seed varieties, and new technologies in precision farming software and services. Visitors who go through the exhibit areas are eligible for prizes, which will be awarded each afternoon, including $2,000 in attendance prizes awarded daily. Drawings will be at Noon ($500); 2 PM ($500); and 4 PM ($1000).

Farm Shows