RFA Ethanol Podcast

Checking Out The Lay of the Land

Chuck Zimmerman

Cattle Industry Convention 1Here’s my home for the week. Got in this afternoon and had a long blog training session with one of our clients. It’s not public yet but will be soon. Then we went to supper and ate one of the best steaks I’ve had in a long time. You sure better be able to get a good steak here this week.

Today at the Cattle Industry Convention there wasn’t a lot of activity. I did a little wandering around this evening to walk off the steak. I probably won’t have much to offer until tomorrow afternoon though. I’ve got a morning follow up blog training session before heading over to the convention center to check on the activities.

Cattle Industry Convention 2If you’re coming out it’s easy to get around thanks to the Schering-Plough Shuttle service. I’m sure I’ll be using it.

Cattle Industry Conference