2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Radio War Perspective From Sundog

Chuck Zimmerman

Sundog Carol of the ChinsIt’s still the Christmas season so you can still enjoy singing a carol or watching someone or something else sing them. Like these chins from Sundog.

Actually I found them when I visited their site to see Greg’s latest post on “Radio War Heats Up.” If you haven’t visited Sundog you ought to. I mentioned them earlier this year since they did the creative behind the excellent GoE Roadtrip blog. If you’re looking for an agency that “gets it” when it comes to the new online world of communications then give these guys a try. Of course, you can call us too.

I am bringing this to your attention because I’d like your thoughts on what Greg writes. For example, eventhough he points you to studies that show the growth in various forms of new audio delivery mechanisms he still believes in it: “While all these radio alternatives make it almost impossible to use any one segment of the “radio” broadcast pie to reach a mass audience, it, nevertheless, makes it easier to narrowcast targeted, relevant messages to more granular market segments. Ultimately, this should increase the return on investment for advertisers.”

I wonder how it applies in the farm world. How fractionalized are the ways a farmer “listens?” How do you reach them if they’re listening to satellite radio, internet radio and podcasts in addition to their local radio station? Do you believe they are using all of these? How do we measure this? Anyone want to sponsor a national farmer media use study that will include questions about their computer, internet and use of new technology like iPods besides how and when they listen to their local station? I’ve got just the completely independent company that can do the research for us. They aren’t one of the “traditional” ones that always conducts the studies we see and hear about. Interested? Want to know what your members and customers are really doing?

Agencies, Internet