send news release today

Trucking The Bio Highway

Chuck Zimmerman

BioTruckerHey all you 18 wheeler drivers. Now there’s a earth friendly website for you. It’s the United Soybean Board funded which I guess is produced by the National Biodiesel Board.

This holiday season, thousands of gifts ship over the road in big rigs running on biodiesel. Recently, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) announced endorsement of a 5 percent blend of biodiesel known commonly as B5 as part of the trucking industry’s move toward cleaner, renewable fuel. The soybean checkoff-funded National Biodiesel Board (NBB) launched to provide access to encourage further biodiesel use in the trucking industry. Additional support for the increased use of B5 biodiesel is evident because most major diesel engine manufacturers including Detroit Diesel, Caterpillar and Cummins, have stated that B5 can be used in their diesel engines as long as the B5 blend meets the American Society for Testing and Materials D-6751 biodiesel standard. NBB estimates biodiesel production for 2005 to reach 75 million gallons, 50 million gallons more than last year.

There’s a video that automatically plays on the homepage if you leave it up that I thought was well done and amusing. Amusing because it has National Biodiesel Board Exec. Dir., Joe Jobe in it and the announcer formally calls him Joseph Jobe. It doesn’t take much to make me smile I guess.

Anyway, this is an interesting site. There’s links to other sites that truckers should be interested in and “user forums.” I think the user forum idea is a good one and kind of wish they were on more websites. Sometimes they’re the only place I can find stuff I want on a website where the company doesn’t readily provide the information I’m looking for.

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