2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Resurrection of The Livestock Round-Up

Chuck Zimmerman

Livestock UpdateThe Livestock Marketing Information Center has resumed publishing a quarterly electronic version of the “Livestock Round-Up. It’s an online PDF file that you can download from a sidebar link on their website.

Would you like to know more about consumer demand for beef, the outlook for cattle and sheep and lamb prices, and the Canadian cattle industry? Those topics are covered in the most recent issue of the quarterly Livestock Round-Up published by the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC).

Some of you “old time” livestock market observers may remember receiving the brown and white monthly Western Livestock Round-Up newsletter in the mail during the ’70s and ’80s. Later, readers across the Western and Great Plains states received the Round-Up as an insert in state agricultural magazines.

The LMIC is a unique cooperative effort that includes 24 state Extension Services (including the NDSU Extension Service), five cooperating USDA agencies and seven associate livestock-related organizations.

Publication dates are March, June, September and December. Articles will focus on livestock markets and related issues. The major species covered in terms of market situation and outlook will be cattle, hogs and sheep. Other species and related industries also will be covered periodically.
