RFA Ethanol Podcast

Sunbelt Ag Expo Honors Florida Dairy Farmer

Chuck Zimmerman

Sunbelt Ag ExpoOut here in the midwest we hear a lot about shows like Farm Progress but what about the Southeast? Well this week it’s the Sunbelt Ag Expo. I have many fond memories of covering this show in year’s past. Some that maybe just need to be forgotten too.

Thanks to Randall Weisman, Southeast AgNet, I have a little Sunbelt Ag Expo update to offer you about today’s activities.

Red Larson - Photo courtesy of Sunbelt Ag ExpoThe 28th annual Sunbelt Agricultural Exhibition kicked off Tuesday in Moultrie, Georgia with a variety of announcements being made. The Lancaster/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern farmer of the Year was one of those, as this year’s recipient was Okeechobee, Florida dairy farmer, Louis “Red” Larson. U.S. Ag Secretary Mike Johanns attended the Expo, as held one of his Farm Bill Forums, where he was able to hear from farmers across the region give their thoughts about the 2007 farm bill. But before the forum began, Johanns during a press conference, announced he had appointed Teresa Lasseter as adminstrator of the Farm Service Agency. Johanns also announced the FSA Tomorrow plan has been put on hold for the time being, as more research needs to take place. North America’s Premier Farm Show, the Sunbelt Ag Expo runs through Thursday.

Once upon a time Cindy and I lived and worked in Florida and we got to know the Larsons, especially Red’s son Woody. They are great people and we congratulate Red Larson on his award!

Farm Shows