RFA Ethanol Podcast

What Happens To Agri Marketing Magazine?

Chuck Zimmerman

Vance Publishing - Food360 DivisionThis had been rumored but we are not into the rumor mill here at AgWired. On Friday it was officially announced that those busy folks at Vance have added to their Food360 Division. What did they add, you ask?

Vance Publishing Corporation, a diversified information and communications company, announced today the acquisition of Doane Agricultural Services of St. Louis, MO. The newly acquired product lines include an array of economic advisory products, a magazine, and a daily live radio program.

“Like Vance Publishing, Doane has long been a strong and well-respected leader in agriculture information,” said Vance Chairman William C. Vance. “This significant purchase complements Vance’s existing portfolio of communication products serving the agricultural industry. Additionally, the impressive research and forecasting capabilities included in the acquisition now allows us to provide in-depth commodity analysis, research and advice to the audiences and key influencers throughout the entire food value chain.”

According to the announcement there won’t be any changes in the AgriTalk program but some will be made to the following:

We will be redesigning the magazine, Ag Professional, and blending it with an existing Vance product, Dealer & Applicator,” Newham stated. “The magazines currently serve slightly different but compatible markets: Dealer & Applicator focuses on the retail trade, and Ag Professional targets professional farm managers and crop consultants as well as retailers. We will combine the two publications, retaining the Ag Professional name. Production will be increased to twelve times a year.”

What is not mentioned is Agri Marketing magazine.
