First up on the program on the final day of the IFAJ was Ruedi Hagmann, BauernZeitung, who spoke on “The Swiss Agricultural Media In Flux.” Right off the bat I’ve got to say that each of the morning’s speakers said things that I think are probably just like you’re going to find anywhere in the world today.
In Ruedi’s case he told us about the fact that there’s a large number of Swiss ag publications still (196 if my notes are correct). That’s a lot. I thought it was interesting though how he said that the internet won’t ever replace printed publications. I actually agree with that. However, he went on to say that only 5 to 10 percent of Swiss farmers use the internet. When I asked where that number (range) comes from he wasn’t specific so I would question that. It’s over 51 percent now in the U-S. He said it was due to the average age of a Swiss farmer being 55. However, that’s about what it is in the United States too! I’d like to see an “official” study on this in Switzerland.
He also told of declining readership for ag publications and declining revenue which he thinks will mean fewer pubs in the future.
Back on the internet thing. I also thought it was interesting that he said that there hasn’t been any money to be made from the internet when it comes to agricultural information. Perhaps the right model hasn’t been presented to advertisers yet?
Any thoughts you have?
AgWired reports on IFAJ Congress 2005 are sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred.