I missed this story from a couple months ago by Wayne Hurlbert about the comparisons between blogging and farming in which he points to the musings on this subject by the Pro Blogger, Darren Rowse. Wayne also links to comments on this subject at Return Customer.
Wayne says, “Darren quotes his friend who farms in Australia. Darren’s friend compares building up a blog, and developing a readership to the business of agriculture. Both businesses require patience along with the necessary inputs of labour and capital. Risks are inherent in both blogging and in agriculture.
Note that the weather and crop prices are out of the hands of the farmer. The search engine algorithms of Google, Yahoo, and MSN are also out of the blogger’s hands. In both cases, planning and research of the markets and environment are necessary to reduce that risk to manageable levels.
Over time, both produce a crop, and hopefully, a profit.”
Well said.