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President Promotes Ethanol & Biodiesel

Chuck Zimmerman

White House SealIt’s energy bill discussion week in Washington, DC (when hasn’t it been lately?) and the President is out and about. He just spoke to the 16th Annual Energy Efficiency Forum and made some great statements about both ethanol and biodiesel.

President George W. BushWhen it came to ethanol he even made a pretty good joke.

Ethanol helps our farmers find a new markets and helps us replace foreign crude oil. I mean, I like the idea of spending money on research to make ethanol more feasible, so that some day an American President says, show me the crop report. (Laughter.) As opposed to, how many barrels of crude oil are we importing?

He was a little more direct on biodiesel.

So as you get more clean diesel engines in America, biodiesel becomes an alternative fuel for them. It burns more completely and produces less air pollution than gasoline or regular diesel.

I’ll bet he has a job with the National Biodiesel Board or Ethanol Promotion & Information Council when he gets done!
